St Dunstan’s Dental Practice
Referral Services
We offer specialist referral treatments
Referral Services
We are able to offer a referral service to you for specialist treatment in Endodontics, Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics and all aspects of restorative dentistry. A short list of appropriate referral cases is listed below. Referrals can be made by post with a short letter to the appropriate specialist. If you would like a referral pack with pre printed forms please telephone on 01227 761158. Referrals can be made by post or email: reception@stdunstansdental.co.uk or stdunstans.dental@nhs.net
To give your patients an idea of fees for any future referrals, we currently charge £240.00 for the initial consultation for most referrals excluding Prosthodontics. An initial consultation fee with the endodontist is £120.00. All of the treatment would be carried out on a private basis. The initial fee includes a report to the patient outlining the treatment options and anticipated charges and where appropriate, a report to the referring dentist.
For your general information, with all referred patients we will arrange to only carry out requested treatment and then refer the patient back to you for future care. We undertake not to accept referred patients onto the practice lists unless the referring practitioner requests us to. The only exception to this is for implant cases where we would arrange to see the patients to monitor their implant restorations at appropriate intervals in the future. We would not usually carry out general dental treatment for these patients unless it was appropriate. At the completion we will write to you with a report of the treatment carried out and where appropriate will include relevant copies of radiographs for your records.
Specialist in Prosthodontics
- Replacement of missing teeth with implants, bridges or dentures
- Milled crowns and precision attachment stabilised dentures
- Dentures with altered cast impressions and neutral zone techniques.
- Management of wear including restoration following erosion and attrition
- Minimal or extensive composite bonding for restoring wear and improving cosmetics
- Full mouth rehabilitation with alteration of OVD
- “Dahl” type tooth movement
- Management of failing dental treatment
Special interest in Complex Restorative dentistry, Dental Implants & Intravenous Sedation
Surinder Bhatti BDS (Hons) 1999, MFDS RCS, MFGDP, MGDS RCS, Dip DHLSM RCS
- Replacement of missing teeth with implants, bridges or dentures
- Treating nervous/phobic patients with intra venous sedation
- Management of the extensively restored or failing dentition
- Composite bonding to restore tooth wear or improve cosmetics
- Invisalign orthodontics to straighten crooked teeth
Specialist in Oral Surgery
Aisha Alshawaf BDS 1986, FDSRCS, MFGDP, Dip Imp Dent RCS
- Extractions routine and surgical
- Wisdom tooth removal
- Implant placement
- Biopsy
Specialist in Endodontics
Steve Williams BDS (1998), MFDS RCPS, M Clin Dent, MRDRCS
- Root canal treatment
- Re-root-treatment
- Apicectomy and root end filling
- Post preparation
- Post placement
- Post removal
- Root amputation and hemisection
Specialist in Periodontics
Specialist Periodontics
Dr Seyed Ali Tarjomani BDS (Lond), PgCert (PDC), MSc (PDC), MJDF RCS (Eng), AKC, MPerio (RCS Eng), MClinDent (Perio) GDC 265185
- Prevent gum disease
- Diagnose gum disease
- Treat gum disease
- Place dental implants
- Reconstruct lost tissues
- Maintain the health and function of teeth and surrounding tissues
Specialist in Orthodontics
Specialist Orthodontics
Suzannah Stewart-Stanton MOrth RCS (Edin) 2008, MScD (Cardiff) 2008, MFDS RCS (Eng) 2003, BDS Hons (Sheffield) 2001, GDC 79478
- Improve Oral Health
- Improve Bite
- Improve Facial Appearance
- Improve Sleep
- Reduce the risk of tooth damage