St Dunstan’s Dental Practice
Cosmetic Dentistry
Love your smile!
Let us help you achieve your perfect smile
Resin Bonded Composite Veneers
Composite veneers are a great way to make minor adjustments or enhance your whole smile with little or no adjustment to the underlying teeth. As a conservative alternative to porcelain, they can widen teeth, close a gap, lengthen worn teeth and brighten your smile in a single dental visit.
The procedure is pain-free and typically done without anaesthesia, meaning that you will be able to return to your everyday activities immediately following your surgery visit. We take the time to carefully select a shade of composite resin that perfectly matches your natural tooth colour. This ensures that the cosmetic bonding work is seamless and undetectable to the naked eye. We can also use a lighter shade to brighten your smile.
Our patients love the results and literally can’t stop smiling! They will often say ‘I wish I’d had it done years ago’. It takes a lot of skill and ‘artistry’ on behalf of the dentist but the patients can’t believe how easy it is! Our dentists really enjoy this type of work and expressing their artistic flair which underpins the science of a beautiful looking smile. Composite bonding is a cost effective alternative to porcelain veneers. It is important to note that although resin composite cosmetic bonding is very durable, there is some ongoing care required to maintain an attractive final look long term.
Call us on 01227 761158 or email reception@stdunstansdental.co.uk
Porcelain Laminate Veneers
There are occasions when composite bonding may not be the most appropriate solution or cannot be used, and porcelain veneers can offer, in those situations, a better alternative. These veneers use a thin shell of porcelain to fit very precisely against a minimally prepared tooth surface, a bit like a false nail on a finger. Porcelain best matches the appearance of enamel and hence can create the most lifelike appearance of natural teeth, and are very stain resistant. Veneers have a laminating effect on the tooth so can be used to strengthen weaker teeth.
Patients often wonder about the benefits and drawbacks of porcelain veneers compared to resin composite. Although resin composite veneers are less expensive than porcelain, they can result in a less natural appearance when looking very closely and may become stained over time. In contrast, porcelain veneers are very thin, extraordinarily strong, and highly resistant to staining. In all cases we will always carefully counsel our patients to ensure that you make the right decision when deciding what option is best for you. It is about striking the correct balance between cosmetic outcome and preparation of natural tooth structure.
Tooth Whitening
A variety of factors contribute to discoloration or dulling of teeth. Fortunately, professional teeth whitening services are capable of restoring the natural, beautiful white shade of your teeth. We offer two services to this end.
Home Whitening
This has to be one of the quickest, most cost effective and most convenient ways of brightening your smile.
It involves making bespoke whitening trays that fit snugly and comfortably over the upper and lower teeth. A small amount of carbamide peroxide gel is put into the trays and they are worn for several hours or overnight to ‘bleach’ the teeth. It is generally recommended that a patient whitens their teeth for approximately 14 days the first time round (or until the desired level of brightness is achieved). The great advantage of this system is that you then have your whitening trays to ‘top up’ whenever you choose and all it will cost is the syringes of whitening gel. In addition to this you are in complete control as to how bright and white you want to go.
The system is well tried, tested and safe. It has been around for many years and you will find most of the dental team themselves will use it.
In Surgery Whitening
For those with busy lifestyles or patients unable to tolerate trays in their mouth for periods of time, Zoom! In-surgery tooth whitening is an effective whitening system.
The procedure is designed to lighten the colour of the teeth using a combination of a hydrogen peroxide gel and a specially designed ultraviolet lamp.
The Zoom treatment involves using the gel and lamp in conjuction with each other to produce maximum whitening results in the shortest possible time.
Stain Removal
For instant results why not try the Airflow stain removal system.
This can be done as part of your Hygiene treatment and is great for removing tea, coffee, wine, tobacco stain. A mixture of air, water and powder gives the teeth a ‘jet wash’ making your teeth noticeably brighter in just a few minutes.
It is very quick, comfortable and delivers very impressive results transforming the appearance of your smile.